Our research team

We are dedicated to developing advertising to impact on Veteran suicide prevention actions

Effect of Mass Communication on Veteran Suicide Prevention: Help Seeking & Firearm Safety Behaviors

We are a collaborative team from academic institutions, public, private and non-profit agencies dedicated to using Veteran focus groups, feedback surveying processes and state of the art marketing techniques to build our Public Health Messaging program to prevent  Veteran suicides. 

The following are our manuscripts and presentations

  1. Veteran exposure to suicide prevention messages attitudes about firearm storage baseline (Draft)
  2. Project presented at the American Psychology Association Annual Convention Summer 2023

Check out our Campaign Launch Video!


Medical College of Wisconsin


Sara Kohlbeck, MPH

Project Team Role: Co-investigator/data analysis

Stephen Hargarten, MD

Psychiatry Department

Bertrand D. Berger, Ph.D., Psychologist, Principal Investigator

Michael McBride, M.D. Psychiatrist, Veteran Consultant & Focus Groups

Captain John D. Mason Veteran Peer Outreach Program

Mark Flower, Veteran Peer Outreach Specialist, Focus Group facilitator

Pete Glowinski & Peter Borucki, Veteran Peer Outreach Specialists

War Memorial Center, Milwaukee

Dan Buttery, President & CEO, Director of Marketing and Advertising

Jim Held, Creative Advertising, Graphic design

Mary Bridges, Creative Advertising

Jim DeKoch, Creative Advertising, Director, Video Production

Iheart Advertising Team


Marketing Department

Amit Bhatnagar, Ph.D.

Project Team Role: Message, survey, & marketing development/analysis and implementation




 Gun Shop project of Wisconsin, State of National violent death reporting system

Wisconsin, Team lead for the Wisconsin VA’s Governor’s Challenge, State of Wis., 

Jean Papalia

Project Team Role: Firearm storage messaging, State of Wi statistics on Violent death data


Michael McBride, MD

Project Team Role: Focus groups/Message development/Veteran consultant

 Denis Birgenheir, Ph.D.

Project Team Role: Message, survey & logic model development, dissemination plan